
Resident Enrichment

Both expertise and experience enable our dedicated Activities teams to create and deliver a comprehensive programme of activities, based upon resident choice.

In our homes, our Activities team members work hard to ensure our residents individual needs are met. Uncovering and capturing individual resident hobbies and interests, as well as resident life histories, is an essential element of success in providing personalised daily activities which residents will enjoy. Individual activities for residents are of great importance – letter writing, FaceTiming family members, attending churches and continuing long standing attendance at community groups and clubs can all be supported and achieved with the help of our Activities teams. Most things are possible!

We also introduce lots of new ideas for residents to experience. Have a look at our news page or our social media pages to see just some of the things we get up to.

One of our most popular initiatives is ‘Make a Wish’. Our team members capture our resident’s hopes and dreams and do ‘whatever it may take’ to help make resident’s wishes come true! The aim is to grant as many of our resident wishes as possible. Some examples of this are riding a motorbike at 105 years old, renewing wedding vows, having a boxing match or something as simple as eating a freshly picked punnet of strawberries. Whatever it is you can guarantee we will all be in tears watching the wish come true.

It is important that our residents still feel part of the wider community and our teams ensure this is a priority by organsing trips out to local groups, clubs, sights or just going down to the local for a pint. We also invite local groups, schools and places of worship and entertainers into our homes.

We are excited to announce that we have just partnered with the Burns Gym to ensure our Activities team have all the training they need to deliver exercise activities that are appropriate and fun for our residents.

We think fun is an essential part of daily living so work hard to ensure that every day involves a bit of fun!